- Implementing Research-Based Digital Learning Practices
- Standards Guidance for Mathematics
- Chapter 4: Digital Learning in Mathematics
- Chapter 5: Introduction to Standards Guidance to Teaching Mathematics Through Big Ideas and Connections
- Chapter 6: Mathematics in Transitional Kindergarten Through Grade Two
- Chapter 7: Mathematics in Grades Three Through Five
- Chapter 8: Mathematics in Grades Six Through Eight
- Chapter 9: Mathematics in High School, Grades Nine and Ten
- Standards Guidance for ELA, Literacy, and ELD
- Chapter 10: Digital Learning in English Language Arts, Literacy, and English Language Development
- Chapter 11: Introduction to Standards Guidance for English Language Arts, Literacy, and English Language Development
- Chapter 12: English Language Arts/Literacy and English Language Development in Transitional Kindergarten Through Grade One
- Chapter 13: English Language Arts/Literacy and English Language Development in Grades Two and Three
- Chapter 14: English Language Arts/Literacy and English Language Development in Grades Four and Five
- Chapter 15: English Language Arts, Literacy, and English Language Development in Middle School
- Chapter 16: English Language Arts, Literacy, and English Language Development in High School
To support schools in the effective implementation of technology to support learning, the California Digital Learning Integration and Standards Guidance provides strategies to build educator and system capacity. The guide is based on foundational, research-based digital learning practices, including engaging in personal interaction, building classroom communities, promoting collaboration, incorporating authentic assessment, designing active learning activities, and cultivating student-centered opportunities to build agency.
The guide connects decades of research on digital learning (See Appendix A) to inform specific topics outlined in Senate Bill 98 (SB 98). SB 98 (2019-2020) identifies the topics for the development of a draft distance learning curriculum and instructional guidance for mathematics, English arts, and English language development that includes a framework for addressing critical standards and other topics related to distance learning. Furthermore, two nationally-recognized sets of standards, the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Educators and the National Standards for Quality Online Teaching, were used as a framework to align recommendations for effective technology use. And finally, input from the California Distance Learning Advisory Committee, parents/caregivers, and students was used to inform the recommended strategies for educators.